2017년 10월 20일 금요일

Top Ten Commencement Speeches of All Time

1/     David Foster Wallace    “Real Freedom?”    Kenyon  2005

2/     J. K. Rowling    “Failure and Imagination”  Harvard  2008

3/     Paul Hawken    ”The Earth is Hiring”    Portland  2009

4/     Barbara Kingsolver    “Your Money or Your LIfe”    Duke  2008

5/     Steve Jobs    “Find What You Love”    Stanford  2005

6/     Bono    “That’s Not a Cause. That’s an Emergency.”    Penn  2004

7/     Vaclav Havel    “Radical Renewal of Human Responsibility”    Harvard  1995

8/     Toni Morrison    “Be Your Own Story”    Wellesley  2004

9/     Neil Gaiman    “Make Good Art”    University of the Arts  2012

10/   George Saunders    “Becoming Kinder”    Syracuse  2013


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