2017년 10월 20일 금요일

Business e-mail

1. Business e-mail 서식
  From :
  To :
  CC (Carbon Copy - 참조) :
  BCC(Blind Carbon Copy -숨은참조) : 

  Date :
  Subject : 
  Contents : 

 * 호칭 : 대체적으로 Dear Mr./Ms. 성, Dear 이름, Dear 직책, Dear Sir/Madam (이름을 잘 모를 경우)
  (안부인사 안 쓰고 정중/정확/간결하게 본론으로 바로 들어감)
  Thank you for ~
  Could you please / I would like / Please V ~
  끝인사 : I/We look forward to ~ = I/We hope to ~, Thank you ~ once again / I appreciate ~, Please do not hesitae ~
  이름 앞에 쓰는 표현 : Sincerely/Respectfully yours, Best/Kind regards, Regards
  * 2~3문장이 한 단락을 구성하는 것이 적절

2. Proposals
  단어 : headquaters(항상 복수로 씀), a wide range of = a variety of 여러 종류의, As a result 그 결과로, for three consecutive years 3년 연속으로, upon request 요청한다면
  We have learned that ~을 알게 되다 (know는 ~를 알고 있다)
  We were given your name by ~
  Your firm has been recommended to us by ~
  We are pleased to inform you that ~
  We are enclosed our latest online catalog.
  You will see that ~이라는 것을 보실 거에요(확신)
  Please refer to ~을 참고하시기 바랍니다
3. Refusals
  단어 : inquiry 문의, 조회, farther (거리상)더 멀리, further 더 진전된
  Thank you very much for your inquiry of August 3, showing interest in our business.
  = We appreciate your inquiry ~
  We (don't) think/feel that ~
  We regret to inform you that ~
  ↔ We are pleased to inform you that ~
  Feel free to / that ~ : Please feel free to call us.
  Should you develop or wish to submit other products in the future, please feel free to contact us. : if가 생략되면서 주어 동사 도치 'should you'가 더 정중한 표현 ★★★★★

 * Abbreviations(약자)
  A/C : Account 계좌, 큰 고객
  CD : Certificate of Deposit 양도성예금증서
  L/C : Letter of Credit 신용장
  IPO : Initial Public Offering 공모
  M.S. : Master of Science 이학석사 (B.S. : Bachelar of Science 이학학사)
  M.A. : Master of Arts 문학석사 (B.A. : Bachelar of Arts : 문학학사)
  M.D. : Medical Doctor 의사
  AGM : Annual General Meeting 연간주주총회
  EGM : Extraordinary/Emergency General Meeting 비상주주총회
  PTO : Please Turn Over 다음 페이지에 계속
  N/A : Not Applicable 해당없음 (빈칸에 표시)
  COD : Cash/Collect on Delievery 현금상환물
  R.S.V.P : R pondez s'il vous plat (불어) 답장해 주세요 = please respond
  NB : nota bene 꼭 보세요
  p.a. : per annum 연간
  w/ : with, wo : without
4. Product inquiry
  단어 : make an offer 제안하다, 제공하다, sell보다 격식있는 표현, carry ~을 다루다(= deal in), inquiry 문의, inquiry about ~에 대해 문의하다
  We are distributors of computer hardware in Korea.
  We specialize in distributing computer hardware.
  Your advertisement in the April issue of PC magazine is of great interest to us. 
  → A be of great interest to B : A는 B에게 매우 큰 관심사이다.
  We would like to know more about ~에 대해 더 알고 싶습니다
  We would appreciate receiving ~
  We look forward to your response as soon as possible. (=your prompt response)
  We would like to hear from you by 날짜.
 * Politically Correct Language (차별을 탈피하여 미화된 언어)
  Miss → Ms (Mr처럼 여성도 기혼/미혼 구분 안함)
  third-world countires → developing countries
  salesman → salesperson, sales representative / rep.
  Oriental (주로 문화를 지칭) → Asian 아시아, 동양의, 동양인
  negro → African-American, people of ethnic backgrounds

* 과거에 여러번 일어났었고 또 다시 일어날 가능성이 있는 사건은 현재완료 사용 : The government has increased the sales tax three times.
* 기한이 정해지지 않은 시간 동안 일어난 과거행위, 특히 업적을 칭할 때는 현재 완료 사용 : Scientists have cloned a sheep and a dog.

5. Responding to an inquiry
  단어 : reliable 믿을만한 reliability 신뢰성
  Thank you very much for your inquiry dated July 7. = We appreciate ~ / We are pleased to receive ~.
  We are enclosing ~을 동봉합니다. We have enclosed ~을 동봉했습니다.
  We are assure you that ~ = We are confident that ~
  The prices given are the lowest possible in the current market.
  Please do not hesitate to contact us.
  We will be most happy to be of assistance. 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다.

* Biz Voca.
  performance evaluation 실적 평가
  complaint resolution 고충 해결
  bonus & incentive program 성과급 제도
  productivity enhancement/increase 생산성 향상
  promotion by seniority 서열제 진급
  promotion based on performance 능력에 따른 진급
  commencing salary / starting salary 초봉
  wage 시간당 받는 돈, fee 서비스에 대한 대가 (tuition fee 과외비), remuneration package 고위직 옵션(월급, 차량, 주택, 교육비 등)

6. Placing orders
  단어 : check(美)/cheque(英) 수표, place an order = submit an order / change the order / cancel the order, following 아래에 있는
  We would like to place an order for ten cases of "Smoother Cleaner". = We are pleased to ~ = Please send us the following items by December 15.
  Refering to your offer of December 15, ~
  As the items are urgently required, we would be grateful for the delivery to arrive before December 15.
* Numbers
  Our company came first in the competition.
  = Our company has gone up to first place in the competition.
  This is our fourth time to hold this convention. 이것은 우리가 개최한 4번째 컨벤션이다.
  배수 : twice/double 2배, three-times/three-fold 3배, four-times/four-fold 4배 (-fold는 형용사/부사로 모두 사용 가능)

7. Order Confirmations
  acknowledge 시인하다, 받았음을 알리다
  We are pleased to acknowledge your order of December 7.
  Your order is being processed and will be ready for shipment on December 9.
  Unfortunately, Model T21 is out of production.
  We confirm that delivery will be made by December 9 as requested.
  Thank you (once) again for giving us this opportunity to server you.
  opportunity 노력을 통해 얻은 기회 (비즈니스에 적합) / chance 운으로 얻은 기회
  We trust that this initial order will lead to a long and mutually beneficial business relationship.

* Fax
  To : Ted Aune, Senior Engineer
  From : Melissa
  Date : April 11, 2002
  Page : 1 of 3
  Subject : Raw Material Inventory
  Dear Mr. Aune
  The following is a list of the entire raw material inventory that is in stock at the Anyang warehouse.

8. Complaints
  draw one's attention 주의를 끌다
  Unfortunately, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that ~을 알려드립니다.
  = We must point out that ~ 
  Please send me replacement.
  I would like a refund in amount of  + 액수
  As far as additional cost is concerned, we trust you will cover necessary expenses for the extra delivery.

* Business 서식
  Heading : 회사이름, 주소, 전화번호, 팩스번호
  Inside Address : 받을사람 주소
  Saluation : Dear ~
  Complimentary Close : Sincerely,
  Signature Block : 이름, 직책

9. Apologies
  단어 : free of charge 무료로, loyal 충성심 있는 / royal 왕가의, royalty 왕위, 로열티, compensate = make up 보상하다, 채워주다, accept apology 사과를 받다 / make apology 사과하다
  We are sorry that 절/for +명사 = We (sincerely/heartfelt) apologize ~
  as our way of apologizing for your inconvenience
  Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. = Thank you for your concern. = Thank you for taking time to write to us.
* 직함
  평사원 staff
  수습사원 entry level trainee, intern
  대리 assistant manager, assistant supervisor
  팀장 team leader, team supervisor
  과장 manager
  부장 general manager 
  team < section < department < division
  상무, 이사 director < senior director
  사장 president, chairperson
  부사장 vice president, vice chairperson
  I am in charge of computer programming.
  He is an assistant manager with(of) the R&D team.
  I work for (I am with) Credu as a program coordinator.

* '관사 + 가산명사'에서 관사를 생략해도 되는 경우
  : 전체 집단을 지칭, 일반적인 것을 지칭, 도시, 주, 국가명, 호수, 방향, 관용적 표현(at work, on vacation)

10. Congratulations
  단어 : excel in ~에서 탁월한
  Congratulations on ~에 대해서 축하드립니다. = I offer my sincerest/warmest congratulations on ~
  I was very happy to hear ~ = It was with great pleasure that I heard of ~
  This promotion comes as a direct result of the effort and outstanding achievement.
  best wishes 행운을 빈다 →(정중한 표현) I wish best wishes for your future.
* Time(기한)
  during ~동안(~중 일부) : During those 3 days, I would like to visit the Suwon plant.
  for ~동안(내내) : I plan to be in Seoul for 3 days.
  in ~후에 : If the package does not arrive in 3 days, please give us a call.
  within ~안에 If the package does not arrive within 3 days.
  before ~이전에(그 날 포함 안됨) : Please send the documents before this Sunday. (토요일까지)
  by ~까지(그 날 포함) : Please send the documents by April 20. (4월 20일까지)
  on or before ~ 그 날 혹은 그 전에(그 날 포함)
  no later than ~ 보다 늦지 않게(그 날 포함)
  through (계속)까지 : This card is valid through April 20.
  until ~동안(내내) : This card is valid until April 20 inclusive. 4월 20일까지 유효

11. Appreciation
  단어 : thoroughly = very, really / courteous 예의바른, 정중한 
  I would like to express my appreciation for ~
  I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with ~
  I think highly of your operations and personnel. ~을 높이 사다(평가하다).
  I hope that I can repay your kindness.
  I hope that I can return this favor in the near future.
  I don't believe(think) that I have ever viewed ~을 본 적이 없다.
  I don't know how I would have managed without your help.
  go out of the way ~에 대해 특별히 신경쓰다.

* 수동태
  능동태가 기본이고 수동태를 많이 쓰는 것은 좋지 않은 습관,
  수동태를 쓰기 적합한 경우
  1. 행동하는 주체를 언급 : The working hours have been changed.
  2. 행동하는 주체를 강조 : The report has been prepared by our new accountants. → by 이후를 주목
  3. 공정/과정을 보여줄 경우 : The finished products are packed into plastic packaging.
  4. 공식적인 어투 : Safety shoes must be worn on the building site at all time.
  일반적으로 수동태에서는 by~가 생략되지만, by~가 나오는 경우는 그 부분을 강조하는 것임.

12. Invitations 1
  단어 : intellectual 지식인, Nobel laureate = Nobel prize winner 노벨상 수상자, gathering (넓은 의미의) 모임 / meeting은 회의에 국한된 의미
  S cordially(=sincerely, truthfully) invites you to N : S가 귀하를 N에 정중히 초대합니다.
  in honor of ~을 기념하여 → because보다 격식있고 정중한 표현
  R.s.v.p = Please resopnd 답장 좀 보내주세요.
  → Meeting Reminder - Tursday RSVP deadline.
     Regrets Only 못 오는 경우만 연락주세요.
  We anxiously await your response.
  a multinational company 다국적기업
  a state-owned company 공기업
  a subsidary / a wholly-owned subsidary 자회사 / 100% 지분 소유한 자회사
  a parent company 모기업
  an affiliate 계열사

13. Invitations 2
  단어 : regret 후회하다, 안타깝게 여기다 / prior engagement, prior appointment 선약, receive invitation 초대를 받다, accept invitation 초대에 응하다
  공식적인 초대장에 답장하는 경우 자신을 3인칭 주어(Mr/Ms 이름)로 쓰는 것이 관례 : 초대 받은 사람 would like thank 초대한 사람 for the invitation to 행사 → Ms.Kelly Pichay thanks Mr.Bellman for kind invitation to the Annual Forum to be held at Seoul Hilton Hotel, and will be pleased(happy, delighted) to attend.
  ..., but regrets that she will be unable to attend due to a prior engagement.
  비공식적 초대장 답변은 1인칭으로 지칭 : I thank you for your kind invitation to your cocktail party on September 7.
  It is my pleasure to accept your invitation.
  I regret that I will not be able to attend on that day, since I leave for a business trip. / I will be on a business trip.
  Please accept my apologies.

14. Announcements
  단어 : merchandise 제품 = goods/product, be forced to 본의 아니게 ~할 수 밖에 없다, take effect = will be effective, come into effect ~부터 유효하다
  We will do our best to meet your needs.

  20 이상 : 20 or more/higher/up, 20 or above, 20 and over, not less than 20, at least 20
  20 이하 : 20 or less, 20 or below, 20 and under, not more than 20, at most 20
  20 초과 : more than 20, above 20, over 20
  20 미만 : less than 20, below 20, under 20

15. Collection letters
  단어 : reminders 독촉장, credit rating 신용등급, adversely 거스르는/반대의, nonpayment 미납, concerning ~에 관해
  We have heard nothing from you.
  behind payment 연체된
  We strongly suggest that you settle the account by 날짜. : 날짜까지 지불할 것을 강력히 촉구합니다.
  Please let us hear from you by this week concerning your plans for repayment.
  We will appreciate your response / immediate cooperation.

  * Business Letter 요점
  1. Be courteous, be precise! : 단문의 내용 위주, 평소에는 잘 쓰이지 않던 정중한 문장 형태, 반복적인 문장 형태, 단어의 선택적 사용
  2. 준비를 철저히! : 뼈대가 되는 문구를 상황별로 준비하여 필요한 내용만 바꿔서 쓴다.

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