2017년 10월 20일 금요일

Casual Letter

Dear Selma, Thanks for the letter. It made me happy to know you were thinking of me. The address on your last postcard(from Brazil) was a little unclear and I was afraid I'd never hear from you again. I'm happy you're in Rio now... you finally made it! Are you looking for work? I remember you told me how much you love Rio. It was really a pleasure meeting you in New York the way we did. Your personality is so different from the people I work with here (and even my friends). I'll be in Brazil for a visit at the end of the year. I'm going to visit my mother's family in Sao Paulo. I don't know what to expect, but I imagine I'll have some time, so let's get together. You can show me the Rio you know and we can explore the things you don't know together. I will write again or call you before I come. Until then, take care.

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