2017년 10월 19일 목요일

Something English

1. Advice (Do you think I should...?/ Can you give me some advice on...?/ If I were you, I'd...)

2. Agreement/ Disagreement (I agree with you./ Do you go along with that?/ I take your point, but...)

3. Apologizing (I don't mean to.../ It's okay./ I can't believe you didn't do that!)

4. Appreciating (I'd appreciate it.../ Thank you for.../ It's very nice.)

5. Approval/ Disapproval (Let's go with it./ I guess we don't have any choice./ You really shouldn't have - ed)

6. Complaining (I'm sick and tired of.../ Don't let it get to you./ I'm sorry to bother you but...)

7. Complementing (That's a nice.../ I like your.../ Congratulations on...)

8. Denying (That's not true!/ It wasn't me!/ The truth is that...)

9. Encouraging (You can do it!/ Try and look on the bright side.)

10. Excuse (That's not my fault./ It was only an accident./ I tried my best but...)

11. Invitation (Would you like to...?/ I'd love to./ I wish I could but...)

12. Obligation (Do I really have to...?/ Is it necessary for us...?/ You must...)

13. Offering (Would you like to have...?/ Shall I go with you?/ Can I help you with...?)

14. Permission (Would you mind if I -ed?/ Sure./ I'd rather that you didn't.)

15. Persuading (Won't you please...?/ Just this once!)

16. Promising (I promise I'll.../ I won't disappoint you.)

17. Refusal (I'm sorry I can't.../ No way!)

18. Reminding (Don't forget.../ Could I remind you...?)

19. Requesting (Could you please...?/ I'd like you to.../ Certainly.)

20. Suggesting (Any other suggestions?/ You should.../ Make it a point to...)

21. Threatening (If you don't..., I'll.../ Unless..., I'll...)

22. Warning (Be careful!/ Make sure you don't.../ Don't ...!)

접속사 정리

1. 이유: Accordingly, As a consequence, As a result, Because of, Consequently, Hence, So, That's why, Therefore, Thus
2. 대조: Despite, In spite of, But, Even so, However, Nevertheless, Still, Yet, Though, Although, Even though, While, Whereas
3. 조건: Then, In that case
4. 비교: Similarly, In the same way
5. 양보: Anyway, At any rate
6. 반대: In fact, Actually, As a matter of fact
7. 변경: Instead, Alternatively
8. 첨가: Also, In addition, Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, What's more
9. 다시 말하면: In other words, That means, Namely, That is to say, Or, Simply
To put it simply, Technically speaking, In more technical terms
10. 예를 들어: As follows, For example, For instance, Say, Such as
11. 특히: Chiefly, Especially, In detail, In particular, Mainly, Notably
12. 일반적으로: As a rule, For the most part, In general, In most cases, Normally
On the whole, Usually
13. 요점: To sum up, Overall, In brief, In short
14. 결론: Finally, Lastly, To conclude, As I said before, Basically, In short, In conclusion
In other words, In summary, To sum up, What I'm trying to say is

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