2017년 10월 20일 금요일

Business Letter Examples

1. Proposal
Dear Ms. Stella Chung
We have learned that you sell skin care items by wholesale in the U.S. Based in Seoul headquarters, we have been manufacturing and wholesaling skin care items for the past thirty years.
We are pleased to inform you that as an exporter of skin care items, we have a wide range of best sellers. We pride ourselves in strict standards of product quality control. As a result, our brand has been voted the second most trusted product in three consecutive years by Korean Consumers Association.  
We have enclosed our latest catalog and the price list. You will see that our prices are far lower than those of our competitors in this market. Samples of limited items are also available upon request.
For any information as to our credit standing, please  refer to the ABC Bank, Ltd.,Soonhwa branch. We look forward to receiving your order soon. 

2. Refusals
Thank you very much for your inquiry of August 3, showing interest in our business. 
Currently, we are distributing several products of a similar type, and in order to best serve our markets. We don't feel that make further additions at this time.
Should you develop  or  wish to submit  other products in the future. Please feel free to contact us. Again, thank you for considering us as a potential distributor. 

3. Product Inquiry
We are the distributors of computer hardware in Korea. Your advertisement in the April issue of PC Magazine is of great interest to us. 
We would like to know more about the products your firm offers and would appreciate receiving your wholesale price list and information regarding ordering policy. 
It is our desire to offer our customers the widest selection possible of computer hardware, and we are therefore always interested in new products that fall within that area.
We will look forward to your prompt response. Thank you.

4. Responding to an inquiry
Thank you very much for your inquiry dated July 7.
We are enclosing our catalog and price list for your review and are confident that these will provide many of the answers you have requested.
We assure you that our products have a high reputation for reliability and the prices given are the lowest possible in the current market. 
If there is additional information you would like to know regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be most happy to be of assistance.
Best regards,

5. Placing orders
We would like to place an order for ten cases of “Smoother Cleaner”. 
We have enclosed the order form sent to us by your company. We will pay for the merchandise by check.
We look forward to receiving your merchandise by December 15.
Sincerely yours, 

6. Order confirmations
Dear Ms. Stella Chung
Thank you for your purchase of December 7.
Your order for ten cases of “Smoother Cleaner”  is being processed and will be ready for shipment on December 9.
We confirm that delivery will be made by Fast Delivery service. You can expect the delivery to arrive in a week. If you need to contact us about this order, use the order reference number, 6262-9123.
Thank you again for giving us this opportunity to serve you.
Sincerely yours, 

7. Complaints
Dear Ms. Angela Kim
Thank you for delivering  ten cases of MSX-98 memory cards.
Unfortunately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that 3 cases out of 10 did not perform well. When I turn on my camera with a defective memory card, it displays on the screen “Memory card error.” 
To resolve this problem, I would appreciate it if you could send me replacements for them. I am returning my records and the three cases of memory cards in the enclosed box. 
As far as additional cost is concerned, I trust you will cover necessary expenses for the extra delivery.
Thank you for your help.
Sincerely yours, 

8. Apologies
Dear Mr. Scott,
We are sorry that your wireless phone model SGT-84 arrived with a defective travel charger. 
Please return it to us using its original mailing box and the enclosed label,
and we will send you a replacement by return mail.
We notice that you have been a loyal customer for the past 5 years,
so you know that our company has strict standards of quality control.
We are enclosing a 30% discount coupon for your next order as our way of apologizing for your inconvenience.  
Thank you for brining this matter to our attention. We look forward to serving you again in the future.
Sincerely yours, 

9. Congratulations
Dear Ms. Janet Chung
It was with great pleasure that I heard of your promotion  to the position of managing director with Credu.
I am sure your firm has made a very wise choice and that you will excel in your new role as managing director.
Please accept my congratulation on your promotion and my very best wishes for your continuing success.

10. Appreciation
Dear Mr. James Lee, Having been guided on a tour of your St. Petersburg plant by
Mr. Kingsley, I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with your operations and personnel.
I don't believe I have ever viewed a smooth running, and cost efficient program such as yours. All of your employees were courteous and went out of their way to explain various functions and answer my inquiries.
I would like to express my appreciation for  the great dedication and  expertise that they have shown me. 
I hope that I can return this favor in the near future. I look forward to having pleasant business relations with you on this opportunity.
Sincerely yours, 

11. Invitaions
Credu cordially invites you to Annual Conference of E-learning in honor of visiting professor Richard Epstein, the Nobel laureate in economics. your operations and personnel.
It is the largest, most influential gathering of a number of intellectuals from various social groups, and you can be part of it July 17 to 19 at Credu Campus in Seoul. The theme of the seminar is “the relevance of the workplace learning and performance”. Please refer to the attached brochure for more specific information.
We are confident that the seminar will be particularly interesting to you. 
R.s.v.p .
Sincerely yours,

12. Responding to an Invitation
(1) 공식적인 메일
- 수락메일
Dear Mr. Bellman
Ms. Kelly Merena thanks Mr. Bellman for this kind invitation to Annual Forum to be held at Seoul Hilton Hotel, and will be pleased to attend Sincerely yours,
- 거절메일
Dear Mr. Bellman
Ms. Kelly thanks Mr. Bellman for his kind invitation to the Annual Forum to be held at Seoul Hilton Hotel, but regrets that he is unable to attend due to a prior engagement.
Sincerely yours,

(2) 비공식적인 메일
- 수락메일
Thank you for your invitation to the cocktail party at the Credu Campus on Friday, September 7 at 7:00 p.m. I look forward to meeting you there
- 거절메일
Thank you for your invitation to a cocktail party at Credu Campus on Friday,
September 7 at 8:00 p.m. Unfortunately (regrettably), I already have made other engagement on that day and will therefore be unable to attend.
Please accept my apologies.

13. Announcements
Dear Customer
Due to the increase in raw material costs, we are forced to unfortunately raise the cost of our merchandise to you. 
We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable. We have enclosed our new price list for your review which takes effect on January 1. Any orders placed between now and January 1 will be offered at the lower prices.
We appreciate your understanding of the necessity for this price increase and hope to meet your needs for years to come.  
Sincerely yours,

14. Collection letters
Dear Mr. Martin Lee,
On November 12, we wrote to you and requested payment for $ 7,000. Unfortunately, we have heard nothing from you.
Because your credit rating could be adversely affected by continuing nonpayment, we strongly suggest that you start making payment to our account immediately.
Please let us hear from you by this week concerning your plans for repayment.  
Thank you.

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