2020년 4월 13일 월요일

Business model elements

The elements of a successful business model
1. Customer Value Proposition: Target customer, Offering (what/how), Job to be done (solution)
2. Profit Formula: Revenue model, Cost structure, Margin model, Resource velocity
3. Key Resources: People, Technology/Products, Equipment, Information, Channels, Partnerships/Alliances, Brand
4. Key Processes: Processes, Rules and metrics, Norms

What rules, norms, and metrics are standing in your way?
1. Financial: Gross margin, Opportunity size, Unit pricing, Unit margin, Time to breakeven, Net present value calculations, Fixed cost investment, Credit items
2. Operational: End-product quality, Supplier quality, Owned versus outsourced manufacturing, Customer service, Channels, Lead times, Throughput
3. Other: Pricing, Performance demands, Product-development life cycles, Basis for individuals' rewards and incentives, Brand parameters